Here it is, a blog I guess!

Date: 2024-10-10

Hello! Captain at speak!

Today it's the first day doing a blog in this, not a lot of things to say for now but I've been thinking about finally doing something about this darn website! Because that "site under construction been there for a while. Another thing that bothered me is that since RMN has been long gone, I don't have a space for (every once in a while) writing dumb blog posts things and I kinda miss that. But I don't want to put it on a specific store, because I like the free formness (?) of just having it on a random site, or something like that.

Anyway, so what's this blog about? All of my games, pretty much. And I guess for this time, sort of a site update.

The games section will be populated little by little, as I need to kind of redo what I had before, I'll figure something out regarding Drekirokr's landing page, might leave it as it is, and just sort of copy the info to something using the same style as the rest, using Pico. But... yeah!

One thing I do like about Pico CMS (the thing I'm using for the site now) is that it is easy to do sort of uhmm category indexes? Something like that. So for adding games, it'll be a bit more simple than whatever I've had in the past, where I needed to add each thing manually. Beats doing site with pure PHP.

Not much else to say for now. Still busy at work and the time I have kinda gets eaten by random projects. Will be doing a game for the next two months or so for this jam. I'll be adding those random projects later, and also the older ones, I need to put all things in one place while also uploading whatevers to Itch. Sadly things are ugly in the realm of uh "preservation", with the state of things at RMN, the archives of that thing, and also getting DDoS'd because da heck knows why. We can't have good things...

See ya later alligator!