Game in the works - Lost Savior

Date: 2024-10-27

Hello! Here the captain at speak again!

I'm seeing that last time I did mention my participation in the Frigid Cold Jam, but I will talk about that next time, hopefully I keep at least one post a week in this, just because! But this time I actually wanted to write about another of my games, which I was working prior to that. There's a fourth game I will mention eventually but yeah.

This website is still a work in progress, but you might have noticed in the games section there's two games. One is Drekirokr, which for now it's on standby. And Lost Savior. What is Lost Savior? Wanna know?

Anyway that's about all I got for this blog post. Hopefully next week I'll have more things to share.

See ya later alligator!